
Thursday, 17 June 2010

had a lovely day today ...

Hi Ladies ... Just wanted to pop in and have another play ... guess this colour is much better 

Why are men always right !! 

Hope you are all having a great week ... had the grandchildren today 8:10 am until 6pm ... wow absolutely crackered now ... 

and poor Gracie is suffering from a bout of hay fever ... 

didnt know young children could get it ... she is only 4
eyes streaming and nose red and running ... 

poor lovie 

1 comment:

  1. lol, mmmm i don`t think you better tell your hubby he is`ll never hear the last of i feel for your little lad has it too and has to have piriton syrup.he tends to stay inside at the moment.have a fab day.luv coops.xx


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