
Monday, 21 June 2010

oh my goodness just found a dear friend

Oh my goodness had a really lovely chat with an old girlfriend ... well she is not really really old

in fact she is not old at all ... we were at school together and were in Singapore together when our Dad's were both serving in the Royal Navy ...
here is a picture of us both when we were at senior school ps I am the one on the right ...

Any way my dear hubby has found her ... just call him Hercule Poirot 

we had a great chat ... and caught up with lots of things ... and have promised to keep in touch now ... its great this internet thingie dont you think ??


  1. How lovely to find a friend like that. I often wonder what happened to some of my friends i had at school. x

  2. how nice to be able to catch up,x

  3. oh wow that is fab lovley to get back in touch.luv coops.xx


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