Monday, 29 August 2011

Mum's sausage dog card

Well hope you are all having a great bank holiday weekend ... we are having an @ home today after our family outing to the kite festival ...

Just wanted to share my dear Mum's birthday card with you ... she used to have two little sausage dogs ... I know it is a bit OTT ... but then you have to with your dear Mum don't you ... and I am going to glittter it up a bit more ( cant do it before I scan it tho !! coz hubby moans about the glitter getting on the scanner glass lol ... men just dont understand these things do they !!! )

the side panel of the insert reads
flutter by butterfly ... sorry it has not scanned very well also the card is a bit dark toooo

have fun off to have a look around at all your lovely blogs


sue said...

love this card sandy,your mum will too sue xx

Crafty Loops said...

Beautiful card Sandy and Im sure your mummy wil love it. Lee x

Vicky said...

Aww it's so gorgous Mum will just love it hun and men...they just don't get

have a lovely evening...hugs Vicky xx

sandy's crafty bits said...

ooo thank you for your lovely comments ... wow how come I got so many sandy's ... lol

Anonymous said...

Lovely card, I hope your mum liked her card. Alison xxx

Kathleen said...

lovely card sandy. can i suggest you make the pic bigger. you should, in edit mode, be able to click on the pic and it gives you an option of S, M, L or XL. i find with a 3 column blog that L is the best!
your pix deserve to be shown off!!!!
kathleen mc x

coops said...

gorgeous card sandy.i love all the pretty details :D

xx coops xx

Wendy said...

Gorgeous card Sandy,love the sausage dog and pretty colours.
Wendy xx

applejack cards by sue said...

I love this card, a really original idea.

~**Bashnee**~ said...

This is adorable! xx