Tuesday, 2 August 2011

three little blackbirds

oooo was just hanging out the washing and heard a lot of chirping ... and what did we find up in our
eucalyptus tree ... a little nest with three baby blackbirds in it ...

you can't actually see much of them as they are asleep now but you can just make out a little beak ... just to the left of that brown leaf hanging down ...

Mummy and Daddy have been busy collecting worms ... and hubby even went out to mow the lawn for them to bring the worms out lol ...

we will be watching closely to make sure the pussy cats stay away ... and have noticed the Mummy is getting very touchy with the resident pigeon

if you click on the bottom picture you will see one of them sitting quite snug as a bug in a rug ... will keep you posted

ooooo @ 12:10 we had another little peep actually there are four .... so cute

I know it is important not to disturb coz Mummy and Daddy are watching but cant resist lol

phew its a bit of a squash don't you think ??


Anonymous said...

soooo cute. love Alison

coops said...

aw so gorgeous.fab pics hun :D

xx coops xx

Crafty Loops said...

Auck look at them, they are fairly packed in there. The compromise is if you want the most heat, you snuggle in at the bottom. But if you want to be the first fed, you stay at the top! Beautiful photos. Lee x

Sally said...

Beautiful pics, don't they look cute! We have blackbirds nesting in our honeysuckle every year & I love to watch the progress from the building of the nest to the chicks leaving it. Absolutely amazing.
Sally x

sue said...

fab photos sandy,it sure is a bit of a squash. sue xx